What we do

CY4 are the go-to experts in preserving, extracting, analysing and reporting of digital evidence retrieved from hand-held devices.

Mobile/Smart device forensics

With the pace technology is growing, Mobile Phone forensics has become more dominant in the forensic field. CY4 are the go-to experts in preserving, extracting, analysing and reporting of digital evidence retrieved from hand-held devices. Observing strict forensic measures and guidelines, all our investigations guarantee that extracted data is forensically comprehensive and is admissible in both civil and criminal proceedings.

Mobile Forensics include the examination and recovering of digital evidence from hand-held devices which include but not limited to:

determining whether there has been any stolen data, identifies illegal and indecent imagery, establishing whether there has been any policy breach within corporate organisations, recovering of lost or deleted data, summary of mobile data usage, Imagery of photographs, videos and call logs, determining the location of a device within specific time frames.

Mobile forensics can retrieve both live and deleted data from smart devices: SMS&MMS, emails, call logs and voicemails, photos and videos, internet history, WiFi locations and history, social media history, and application installation history.

Let’s get started

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Details Of The Incident